Knee Pain Explained

The knee is one of the strongest and most complex joints in the body. It handles a considerable amount of srtain, stress and wear and tear throughout the day. Some common causes of knee pain include; degeneration, ligament tear, meniscal tear, bursitis, tendonitis, or a ligament sprain. 

What are the symptoms of knee pain?

Symptoms of knee pain vary in the type and severirty, ranging from mild discomofrot to deilitating pain. The most common symptoms include: 

  • stiffness in the knee after long periods of rest 
  • pain during and/or after excersie 
  • sore joints after inactivity and/or overuse 
  • the feeling of grinding or popping as you bend your knee 
  • pain from everyday movements like getting up from a chair or going up and down stairs 
  • loss of balance due to stiffness and pain 
  • weakened muscles in your legs 

If you're expereincing any of these symptoms, give us a call today! 

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